
Showing posts from June, 2021

What Is Blog And How it is different from website?

 Hello Guys, welcome back again on my blog page so in this blog we will understand about blog and website. how it is different from website? What is a Blog? ⭐"BLOG" is an online diary or journal located on a website.The content of a blog typically includes text,pictures,videos,animated GIFs and even scans from old physical offline diaries and other hard copy documents.On blog you can shares information with an exclusive group or to engage the public. 1.Weebly 2.Blogger 3.Medium 4.Tumblr    So now we will discuss about website .....     What Is A Website? 🖛A website is a collection of publicly accessible , interlinked web pages that share a single domain name. website can be created and maintained by an individual , group , business or organization to serve a variety of purposes.   Here are some list of famous websites 2.www.Apple . com 3.www.Google .com                                                        

What Is HTML Language How It Is Useful?

 Hello Guys, Welcome to other blog as I discus in last blog that what is ads submission and how it works? In this blog we will learn and try to understand about HTML language. ➡ What Is HTML Language? 👉HTML stands for Hypertext Markup is a computer language that makes up most web pages and online applications. HTML is not considered a programming language as it can't create dynamic functionality. HOW DOES HTML WORK? HTML documents are files that end with a .html or .htm extension .A web browser reads the HTML files and renders its content so that internet users can view it. HTML format- <html> <head> <title>  </title> <body> <h1>   </h1> <p1>  </p1> </head> </body> If you want full process and learning then you should go  there you will get full tutorial of HTML Language. There you will get lot of language to learn 1.CSS 2.JAVA 3.PYTHON 4.SQL 5.PHP 6.JQuery 7.c++

What Is Classified Ads Submission ?

 Hello Guys, Here I am back in my blog with another interesting topic .Whenever we learn Digital Marketing   or SEO then "OFF PAGE SEO" Classified Ads Submission comes . So Let's discuss in this blog about Classified Ads Submission and some sites for Classified Ads Submission. What Is Classified Ads Submission? 👍Advertising is a tool of Marketing that is used to create awareness about a product or service. In Classified Ads Submission we publish or post our product or service advertising poster on different sites of Internet websites. it increases our  reach.     LIST OF SOME BEST WEBSITES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS SUBMISSION: 3. 17.www.ad2max.c

What is Network Marketing?

 Hello Guys, As I had discussed in last blog that what is Google Analytics and How it works. I hope you understood what I explained in the last blog. So in this blog i am going to discuss about Network Marketing and how it works. 👉What Is Network Marketing? Network Marketing is a direct selling business model in which salespeople work independently promoting products or services .Network Marketing is a huge business ,with global sales worth worth many hundreds of billions of dollars each year. some countries restrict of ban this types of setup ; usually after a case of massive fraud hits the news. now here i will also clear that what is direct selling? What Is  Direct Selling? Direct selling means selling goods or services directly to customers either at their homes or where they work. The sale does not occur in a retail environment ,i.e, it does not happen in a shop.  Some Best Network Marketing Companies : 1.Vestige 2.Herbalife 3.Avon 4.Oriflame 5.DXN 6.Modicare 7.Amway 8.RCM 9.Safe

What is Google Analytics and How it works?

 In this Blog i will introduce about the Google Analytics and types of ads .... Lets  start with introduction.... WHAT IS GOOGLE ANALYTICS? In simple words, Google Analytics is a tracking tool offered by Google and it shows how visitors use your website . How Google Analytics works? Google Analytics offers information about user behavior that can be critical for you should be using Google Analytics. Here's are some of its benefits: 👉 Measure your websites performance. 👉See if marking efforts are working. 👉Optimize website pages to boost conversions. 👉work for traffic . Here are some types of Google Ads👇 1.Search Ads 2.Display Ads 3.Shopping Ads 4.Video Ads 5.App Ads  6.Smart Ads So these are some points of Google Analytics which would be helpful to understand that what is Google Analytics and How it works.  

What Is Traffic On Website and Social Media apps?

  Have you ever heard about Traffic ? what comes in your mind first the traffic which we faced everyday in our life like traffic jam .what  here we are talking about "The Traffic" which comes in digital Marketing or social media .   👉What Is Traffic? Traffic is visitors to your website. When people comes on your website or blog then your website traffic automatic  increase  .its more than same like jam traffic . What are the types of web traffic ? 1.Organic Traffic-Organic Traffic is the number of visitors who enter a website after it search on Google or other search engine and clicking on one of the result page. 2.Direact Traffic-Whenever we search anything on Google with subject or topics . 3.Referral Traffic-whenever someone comes from other website to click our link from that website. 4.Social Media-when someone comes from social media by our online ads . 5.Paid Traffic-when we want to need traffic on our website then we pay some money for that. 6.Email Traffic-When some


 Whenever you goes to any social media platform then you definitely thinks that how its works and how what is the process of it ,in addition same adds also comes on the Facebook , Instragram , twitter ,IinkdeIn etc. so let discuss on this topic ... let  set go... What is Social Media Marketing? 👉Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a products or service. Social media connects your audience to build your brand, increase sales and drive website traffic. SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS 1.Facebook 2.Twitter 3.Linkedin 4.Youtube 5.Pinterest 6.Instagram 7.Tumblr 8.Snapchat 9.WhatsApp 10.Quora You can earn lots of money from social media marketing even if you are student then you can also earn money from it. If you are really interested in this work then you can make career as well in future.


 In the first I will discuss about the marketing then after that second their types.... What Is Marketing? Marketing  is a business term that experts have defined in  dozens of different ways. In fact ,even at company level people may perceive the term differently, Basically ,it is a management process through which product and service move from concept to the customer .It includes identification of a products , determining demand, deciding on its price and selecting distribution channels. in sort form " Marketing is the organization of the sale of a products ,for example deciding on its price ,the area it should be supplied to ,and how it should be advertised" What Are Types Of Marketing?     Here is the List of Types Of Marketing 1.Traditional Marketing  2.Outbound Marketing 3.Inbound Marketing 4.Digital Marketing 5.Search Engine Marketing 6.Social Media Marketing 7.Content Marketing 8.Video marketing 9.Voice Marketing 10.Email Marketing 11.Affiliate Marketing 12.Brand Mark


  What Is SEO? Ans-SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is the practice of increasing the quantity and the quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. 2 TYPES OF SEO... 1.OFF PAGE SEO 2.ON PAGE SEO 1.OFF PAGE SEO-Off page SEO describes optimization techniques that can improve your ranking in search engine results. 2.ON PAGE SEO -On Page SEO is the optimization of items on websites(such as keywords and internal linking)so you can rank higher for the keywords you target. on page SEO is within in your control. WHAT COMES IN OFF PAGE SEO AND ON PAGE SEO? "OFF PAGE SEO" 1.Classified Ads Submission 2.Infografic  Ads Submission 3.Social Book Marking  4.Artical Submission 5.Blog Submission 6.Q&A Submission 7.Blog Commenting. "ON PAGE SEO" 1.W3School validation 2.Web Structure 3.SiteMap Creation 4.Keyword Research 5.Image/Video optimization 6.Meta/Title Tag